
Sphinx-EMF makes it possible to exchange data between Eclipse EMF ECore models and Sphinx-Needs.

This Sphinx extensions comes with 2 main features:

  • a CLI script sphinx-emf-cli that reads an XMI model and writes RST files contain needs objects

  • a Sphinx builder that reads a Sphinx project containing Sphinx-Needs objects and writes an XMI model from it

Both features require an EMF ECore metamodel.


Sphinx-Needs makes managing objects inside docs-as-code approaches easy and joyful. It also features options to get objects in and out the Sphinx-Needs ecosystem:

They all do not support enforcing a defined model when exporting or importing needs. This includes options, links, the needs body and nested needs in the body.

Sphinx-EMF makes it possible to define an EMF ECore metamodel and write RST files from an XMI model that follows the metamodel. Objects can then be managed in docs-as-code and exported back to XMI using a Sphinx builder.

The extension also enables data exchange with tools that use EMF ECore XMI as data store or as export/import format.